Pizzas - Chicken & Roma Tomato

Our own extra virgin olive oil and fresh garlic White Sauce with Chicken and Roma Tomatoes.

Slice portions are for a medium or large pizza.
Solo portions are for the entire solo pizza.


Nutrition Facts
Serving Size:
Amount Per Serving
Calories Calories from Fat
% Daily Value *
Total Fat %
Saturated Fat %
Cholesterol %
Sodium %
Total Carbohydrate %
Dietary Fiber %
* The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.
Based on the serving options you've selected, this item contains the following allergens:
Tree Nuts
The allergen information provided is accurate and up-to-date to the best of our knowledge. It is based entirely on the information provided by our ingredient manufacturers and suppliers. No allergen or nutritional information on our website should ever be considered a guarantee, but simply a best faith effort to serve our customers. For additional information please see our Allergies information page.
Serving Options
Check items on/off to update Nutritional Facts information.
Serving Size: Slice
 Crusts - Choose one
Thin Crust
Traditional Crust
Deep Dish
Gluten Free Crust
 Sauce Type - Choose one
White Sauce
Red Sauce
Pink Sauce (Trad/Thin/GF)
Pink Sauce (Deep Dish)
No Sauce
 Cheese option - Choose one
Standard Cheese Portion
Light Cheese (50%)
No Cheese
Sliced Chicken Breast
Roma Tomatoes
Romano Cheese